Tips to Enhance Support Center Relationships

offshore software development services

The finest call center agents are those who are able to develop empathetic associations with consumers, be it over the phone or online. Training and development for both channels are important to guarantee that callers experience a friendly connection with the agent.

For a support center’s workforce that is challenged by customer service; in whatever area, it is critical to enhancing the contact center’s productivity through training. In such a case, it is advised the support agents are educated in mirroring; a technique whereby the customer’s tone is imitated by the agent.

Agents are coached to sensibly pay attention to tone and style of speech; scrutinizing the language tone within chats in order to respond in ways alike.  Mirroring develops a conversant interaction within the call. Though, agents should not apply this technique when the customer is irritated but rather stay calm, attentive, and helpful.

One may ask, with mirroring, how would the customer at the other end truly know if the agent truly cares. The answer lies with the agent. While s/he is trained to use interjections such as ‘I see’, ‘okay’ and ‘hmm’, the agent must be cautious, not sound mechanical, and spew up information they have gathered from the customer in a robotic way. The tone should sound caring and personalized.

Once a positive association is founded between the customer and the agent, follow-up is particularly vital. Reassurance is fundamental for the customer to believe their issue is valued and there will be a resolution.

When the customer knows someone they have grown to trust will sort them, it strengthens a positive support center rapport that will fast-track customer service ranks.