Temps, Contractors or Virtual Assistants? Making the Choice

Boosting your business with human capital comes with options beyond the usual full-time employee. While a full-time employee is usually the most preferred, there may be conditions that require considering other options.


A temp sometimes may be more practical than a full-time employee depending on the nature of the project. Paid on an hourly basis, it may seem that a temp attracts higher costs than a full-timer but when other costs such as taxes and insurance are factored it you would likely find the cost of hiring the temp more favorable to the company. You also have the advantage of paying for a worker only when you have a project at hand that requires them working on. Furthermore, there is the benefit of engaging a temp through an agency, which would handle much of the paperwork and other required documentation associated with recruiting an employee. Such agencies would usually assess applicants’ skills, check references, and administer payroll and taxes, etc.


For predominantly specialized projects, it may rational to take on a contractor or a freelancer. For example, your company requires a new website, a freelance web designer would probably be the most cost-effective choice as you won’t likely require more than one website in the near future. Contractors are usually top choice when you require a specialized skill set in the short-term.

Virtual Assistants

There may be times when you don’t require a full-time employee but have need to work continuously with a single person. A virtual assistant (VA) would be most suitable in such a situation. You may never meet with the VA first-to-face but they are there working with you and communicating virtually. VAs are usually contractors who have other work commitments or other clients but often come with a specialized skill set.

Discover how Sullivan Taylor Company can assist your organization with Contract Staffing. We are headquartered in New York but have staffing specialists in our partner offices around the world to help you engage the best talent for your needs.