Workplace Stress: Causes and How to Manage It

Workplace Stress

As stated in our previous post how employers can reduce workplace stress excessive work-related stress can have a negative effect on the productivity and performance of the employees of an organization, as well as impact their physical and emotional health, even their relationships and life outside the workplace will not be the same. An employee’s inability to control everything in the workplace does not mean such an individual is powerless—even when the person is trapped in a difficult situation. Thus, whatever is the work demands of workers, there are actions they can take to defend themselves from the damaging effects of workplace stress, enhance their job satisfaction and performance and at the same time secure their total well-being in and out of the workplace.

But When Is Workplace Stress Too Much?

Workplace stress is not always unfavorable, because an insignificant amount of stress can assist employees to maintain focus, stay energetic, and gain more ability to meet new challenges in the workplace. Sometimes, what keeps the employees to be on alert in order to prevent costly mistakes or accidents is stress. But in today’s busy world, the workplace is also characterized by tight deadlines, long working hours, and ever-increasing demand that leaves the employees feeling drained, and overwhelmed.

Therefore, when stress exceeds the employees’ capacities to cope, it ceases being useful and begins to cause damage to their general well- being thereby bringing about lack of satisfaction with the job and that could lead to below average performance on the job. At this level, we can say the workplace stress is too much. In this light, this article seeks to list some common causes of workplace stress and explore the possible tips to manage them and regain a sense of control over the job.

Common Causes of Workplace Stress Include:

  • overtime as a result of the shortage of staffs.
  • Unnecessary pressure to perform to meet increasing expectations but with no improvement in job motivation.
  • Lack of control over how the employees carry out their job.
  • Fear of being laid-off.

How to Manage Workplace Stress

Employees can effectively manage workplace stress by following the simple tips below:

Reaching Out

Sometimes the most effective stress-reducing antidote is simply sharing the stress with a close co-worker. This simple act of saying it out and getting a face-to-face support from a colleague can be a highly effective way of lowering your stress level and regaining your sense of calm. Your colleague must not necessarily solve your problems but giving you a good audience alone will do wonders for your stress level. However, just ensure to listen to your colleagues and offer solid support when they are in need as well.

Support Your Health with Exercise and Nutrition

When people concentrate too much their work, they tend to easily neglect their physical health. However, when they are supporting their health with good exercise and nutrition, they are stronger and able to endure some level of stress without cracking. In essence, cultivating a good culture of nutrition and exercise by eating small but frequent healthy meals as well as creating time for regular exercise that can make you sweat is an effective way to lighten your mood, increase energy, make you more focus, and relax both the mind and body.