Three Benefits of Temp Staffing

Temp Staffing

Cost Effective

Temp Staffing is cost-effective. When companies opt to work with these temps, they eliminate many payroll and all benefits expenses, rework project budgets to accommodate the temporary hire, and reduce or eliminate many administrative expenses associated with in-house recruiting and other hiring activities. Furthermore, many temps only receive pay for the time they work. If they don’t come in, the client isn’t responsible for paid time off.

Immediate Solutions

Onboarding new hire can be time-intense as candidates must be examined through multiple interview rounds, compensation negotiated, notice given for resignation, background checks completed and new hire paperwork filed. Several months could easily lapse between the initial search and your new employee’s first day of work. Bringing on temps is a much faster process. These candidates are fully vetted and ready to hit the ground running as soon as you contact an agency requesting support. If you need to bring on immediate talent, partnering with an executive recruiting agency will shrink your timeline down from months to a matter of days.


Temp Staffing presents a flexible schedule because the timing and purpose of when a business requires temporary staff varies. Start times and end dates can be scheduled as the employer needs them, and revised as necessary. Whether it’s an extra hand around the office or help on a distinct project, hiring temp staff is a convenient solution.

Companies can secure experienced and proficient candidates required for the timeframe of the job while saving precious resources. It’s an economic win for the businesses to employ specialized workers as needed for specific tasks or projects, instead of hiring and training permanent employees.