Benefits of Having Females in Top Management

From time immemorial, women have been labeled as largely emotional and indecisive- two qualities that do not make for good business.
In spite of these, studies have shown that women indeed possess qualities that will make any business thrive. Even without empirical studies, women are known to be highly intuitive, a characteristic that every entrepreneur must possess.
Gone are the days when having women in top management were unheard of. As at 2016, the number of women who held senior business roles in developed nations stood at 24% from the 22% in 2015. This figure has continued to increase with ongoing gender wars. Thus, other than your company coming across as a forward-thinking company, there are a number of benefits to be gained from having women in top management.

Developing Others
Statistics show that employees tend to thrive better under female bosses. The development of employees here refers to how well the boss coaches her subordinates, seeing to their welfare, listening to feedback etc. When these indices are in place, employees are bound to perform better.

Motivating Others
Most women are like motivational speakers because of their natural roles as caregivers. Motivation can come in different ways from women in management- it may be by how well they lead a team, their willingness to work as hard as everyone else or being able to juggle a home and the boardroom. Women are usually effective in engaging subordinates and strengthening the bonds within an organization.

Developing Herself
Due to the way the world has evolved, most women understand that to excel they would have to bring their A-game thus, a woman that finds herself in a business naturally dominated by men will work double time to better herself. It is simple psychology. In the course of this dedication, she ends up developing herself, making her an asset to the business.

Experts say that women are generally able to express themselves better and communicate more powerfully- a quality that is much needed in any office space for the smooth running of affairs. Communication is a tool that engenders progress and women who are able to wield it, often drive that progress.

Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities
Renowned researcher Zenger Folkman carried out a study over a two-year period with about 16,000 subjects. This study revealed that women tend to be more strategic and recognize opportunities more than men. This may not cover all women but on an average, women are able to take initiative, stay focused and push boundaries.

Building Strong Networks
All businesses thrive on healthy relationships based on trust and good executive social skills which Helen Fisher, a researcher and anthropologist from The Kinsey Institute, says most women possess. Women are more versed in reading body languages and other non-verbal cues.

Therefore, women when well invested in and given the opportunity are more than capable of outperforming men. Unfortunately, women are constantly being relegated to the background. Yet, if this can be curbed, most businesses would grow exponentially.